although a physician by vocation, he was a botanist by avocation 意味

  • 彼は本職は医者だが趣味として植物の研究をやっていた.


        botanist:    {名} : 植物学者{しょくぶつ がくしゃ}◆【略】bot. ; bot She became a botanist, for she loves plants since her childhood. 幼少のころから植物が好きだったので、彼女は植物学者になった。 -----------------------------------------------------------------
        avocation:     avocation n. 副業, 趣味. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a pleasant avocation 楽しい余技. 【前置詞+】 a botanist by avocation 植物学の研究を趣味でやっている人 He is a psychiatrist by profession and a novelist by avocation. 彼の本職は
        by avocation:    趣味で
        although:    although のに 尤も もっとも 例え 仮令 たとえ たとい
        vocation:     vocation n. 天職; 職業; 使命感; 適性. 【動詞+】 change one's vocation 職業を変える choose a vocation 職業を選ぶ discover one's vocation 自分の天職を発見する He felt a vocation to become a missionary. 宣教師に
        pleasant avocation:    楽しい余技{よぎ}
        physician:     physician n. 内科医; 医師. 【動詞+】 He had called his physician during the night. 夜のうちに医者を呼んだ A physician was called in. 医者に来てもらった consult a physician 医者に診察してもらう Contact your physi
        he:    he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
        he's:    {1} : he is の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : he has の縮約形 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        s/he:    {代名} : 彼女または彼は[が]◆she or he の略
        although (being):    although (being) 乍 ながら
        although not ideal:    理想的{りそうてき}ではないにしても[とはいえないまでも]
        although not necessarily:    かならずではないが
        choose a vocation:    職業{しょくぎょう}を選ぶ
        divine vocation:    聖職{せいしょく}、天職{てんしょく}


  1. "althorp" 意味
  2. "although" 意味
  3. "although (being)" 意味
  4. "although 500 years have passed, his work retains its freshness. 500" 意味
  5. "although a bit tiring" 意味
  6. "although both are addictive, when compared with heroin, methadone is clearly the lesser of two evils" 意味
  7. "although english is the customary means of communication in public and private life, it is not the official language of the us" 意味
  8. "although feminism is essentially a political issue, its social ramifications mean that…" 意味
  9. "although fiction, the story has a basis in fact" 意味
  10. "although 500 years have passed, his work retains its freshness. 500" 意味
  11. "although a bit tiring" 意味
  12. "although both are addictive, when compared with heroin, methadone is clearly the lesser of two evils" 意味
  13. "although english is the customary means of communication in public and private life, it is not the official language of the us" 意味

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